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Advocates assist State Parks in comprehensive trail damage assessment

January 10 & 11, 2024

The recent atmospheric river wreaked havoc from San Diego to the Oregon border, and the Central Coast got hammered.

California’s State Parks took a brutal beating from the Coast to the Mountains, the Forest to the Deserts.   Nisene Marks, with 40 miles of trail and fire road, suffered extensive damage from windfalls, erosion, slip outs, and infrastructure injury.  

In response to outreach from our local State Parks leadership, the Advocates for Nisene Marks mounted a nearly instant volunteer effort to survey most of these trails, with technologically advanced documentation to share.

In two consecutive days on Super Bowl weekend, Advocates Volunteers spread out with clipboards, cameras, measuring devices, and GPS locators to pinpoint damage which could interfere with hiker access and safety.

This information was collated by Advocates’ Trail Chair and tech guru, Daniel Sambold, and shared with State Parks.  State Parks will create a prioritized list of repairs.

We will be there for that effort, too, pursuing our mission to support State Parks to improve our Forest for education, recreation, and inspiration for our community and visitors.


Six Advocates Board members, volunteers, and legendary Trail Wizard Andrea Lee coordinate their plans for the day.

Board member and historian, Jeff Thomson, documents a slip out on the Aptos Creek Trail.

Advocates President Robin Stockwell tabulates two windfallen trees blocking the Vienna Woods Trail

Gary and Tara celebrate a day of trail assessment

Interested in the next steps?  Our volunteers will be busy this year, and we’d love your company.

How can you reach us and sign up?  Meet energetic people, see magnificent things, discover a few secrets, get a workout far from that gym!

Please check out our website, sign up for our next volunteer day, and follow us on Facebook and our newly revamped Instagram!


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