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Volunteer With Us

Join us! Every 3rd Sunday of the month (except December) the Advocates meet in the park for trailwork days. Meet at the main entrance kiosk desk at 9:30 am for refreshments and trailwork kickoff.

As the state budget cutbacks have severely hampered the ability of the CA State Parks to upgrade and maintain the park, it is necessary for the active park users to pitch in and help. Through the Advocates, park users, with donations of time and/or money, can help maintain trails, build capital improvement projects (such as building an outhouse or decking a new bridge), sponsor special events (such as a presentation on the history of the park), and work to address the needs of various user groups.


Join us for our monthly trail work day.

Coffee, snacks & tools are provided!


When signing up:

Click the highlighted date (3rd Sunday)

Then be sure to click "9:30am"

Teenagers Cleaning Up the Beach

HiGH school

Please print, sign, and bring with you the California High school Student Volunteer Parental Consent Form to trailwork day

Banana Slug in the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park

About Us

The Advocates for Nisene Marks State Park is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax identification number 77-0331964) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

© Advocates for the Forest of Nisene Marks 2024

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